All Volunteer Groups

Actuarial Review Working Group

Working Group


AR Working Group members assist CAS staff with copyediting submissions for Actuarial Review, the CAS bimonthly magazine, and occasionally consult and decide on content and editorial policy. Two special AR subgroups, writing and opinions, writes and develops stories, and reviews opinion pieces (President’s Message, In My Opinion, Random Sampler), respectively. Frequency of Meetings with ARWG members and CAS staff: One to two meetings annually. Writing subgroup meets as needed. Mostly correspond via email. Frequency of Meetings: Quarterly. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours,

Admissions Governance Committee

Board Committee


The Admissions Governance Committee is a committee of the Board of Directors established to oversee & support the effective functioning of Admissions in alignment with Board strategy and oversee initiatives for current and future certification products and determine their potential impact on growth, retention, and travel time.

Africa Regional Working Group

Working Group


The Africa Regional Working Group facilitates the development and delivery of CAS services to emerging actuarial markets in Africa. Members develop initiatives to increase awareness of the CAS brand and credentials, and strengthen relationships with local stakeholders. Frequency of Meetings: Every Other Month. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours.

Artificial Intelligence Working Group

Working Group


The Artificial Intelligence Working Group was established to fulfill the CAS mission to “advance the body of knowledge” on a technology that is transforming actuarial practice in several areas. Its objective is to encourage the exploration of Artificial Intelligence in actuarial practice through research to help educate members, build knowledge, provide practical insight and establish CAS as thought leaders.

Asia Regional Working Group

Working Group


ARWG shall function as an advisory working group for the CAS ILC and the CAS international team. It shall serve to provide guidance and advice to facilitate successful implementation of the CAS strategic plan, with a specific focus on the Asian markets. ARWG will offer market insights, regulatory updates, direction for local new initiatives, updates on local actuarial society activities, and other strategic plan related advice, all of which are essential for furthering the CAS’s growth in the region. Frequency of Meetings: Every Other Month. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 10 Hours

Audit Committee

Board Committee


The Audit Committee is responsible for the annual independent audit of the financial statements by an auditing firm and is authorized to accept the independent auditors report and annual tax filings. The audit cycle begins in October and ends in March with a Committee Report to the Board. The tax returns are reviewed by the Committee in June-July. Frequency of Meetings: As Needed Approximate. Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours.

Candidate Advocate Working Group

Working Group


The Candidate Advocate Working Group (CAWG) serves as a direct point of contact for candidates to engage with the CAS and admissions working groups by sharing their thoughts and feedback. The CAWG advises candidates of resources available to them, serves as the voice of the candidates to the CAS and authors the quarterly Future Fellows newsletter to engage candidates and provide information on topics of importance. Frequency of Meetings: Every other month Approximate Number of Hours per year: Up to 20

CAS Trust Scholarship Task Force

Task Force


The CAS Trust Scholarship awards up to eight scholarships to university students annually. The Task Force is charged with establishing eligibility requirements and application procedures, reviews applications and selects annual award winners. Frequency of Meetings: As Needed Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours.

Case Competition Task Force

Task Force


The Case Competition Task Force develops case competitions for universities, creating and maintaining toolkit materials including case studies, data workbooks and marketing materials. Frequency of Meetings: Monthly Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours

Climate and Sustainability Working Group

Working Group


The newly established working group will empower the CAS to strengthen its leadership in addressing climate risk and sustainability within the P&C sector. Although the group is still finalizing its detailed charter, it will be a cross-functional body, providing guidance on climate and sustainability-related research, professional education, and credentialing. Frequency of Meetings: Monthly.

Climate Index Task Force

Task Force


The Actuaries Climate Index® (ACI) is an educational tool designed to help inform actuaries, public policymakers, and the general public about climate trends and some of the potential impacts of a changing climate on the United States and Canada. The index is an objective measure of observed changes in extreme weather and sea levels. It is intended to provide a useful monitoring tool of climate trends and will be updated quarterly as data for each meteorological season becomes available.It is sponsored by the Casualty Actuarial Society, the American Academy of Actuaries, the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, and the Society of Actuaries.

Discipline Committee

Board Committee


The Discipline Committee is responsible for considering recommendations for disciplinary actions against members presented by the appropriate investigatory body, e.g., Actuarial Board for Counseling and Discipline (ABCD) or Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) and for taking actions on those recommendations as it deems appropriate in accordance with procedures described in the bylaws and the CAS Rules of Procedure for Disciplinary Actions. The Discipline Committee is also responsible for investigating alleged violations of the CAS Code of Professional Ethics for Candidates Conduct and for taking disciplinary action on the investigatory findings as it deems appropriate in accordance with procedures described in the CAS Rules of Procedure for Disciplinary Actions Involving Candidates. Members of the Discipline Committee must be Fellows of the Casualty Actuarial Society, should have at least 20 years of actuarial and management experience and will be expected to attest that they have a deep working knowledge of the Code of Professional Conduct and the Actuarial Standards of Practice. Frequency of Meetings: As Needed

E-Forum Working Group

Working Group


The E-Forum Working Group performs proofreading and light copyediting, offers author guidance and sometimes solicits material for publication in the E-Forum, an online publication of non-peer-reviewed research submitted by CAS members and non-members. Frequency of Meetings: As needed Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours

Employer Advisory Council

Task Force


Finance Council



The Finance Council handles all aspects of CAS finances including budgeting, financial reporting and making recommendations to the Board on all aspects of financial matters. The Finance Council also manages the insurance program in conjunction with the Risk Management Committee. The Finance Council meets approximately 6 times per year with special meetings as needed. Frequency of Meetings: Every Other Month Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours

Governance Committee

Board Committee


The Governance Committee is a committee of the Board of Directors established to support the effective functioning of the Board by ensuring that the Board, as well as individual Board members, have the skills and competencies necessary to perform at the highest level. The Governance Committee also ensures that appropriate policies, procedures, and governing documents are in place and are periodically reviewed and updated.

Hachemeister and Michelbacher Prizes Task Force

Task Force


The task force’s purpose is to administer the awarding of the Hachemeister Prize and Michelbacher Prize. The Hachemeister prize goes to a paper published in the ASTIN bulletin or presented as part of the ASTIN Colloquium. The Michelbacher Prize is an award for significant achievement that has fundamentally advanced casualty actuarial science. Frequency of Meetings: As Needed Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours

iCAS CE Committee

ICAS Committee


Assist in the development of CE offerings in data science and predictive analytics, and other related projects. Programs may include webinars, podcasts and in-person limited attendance seminars. Represent iCAS on relevant CAS CE working groups. Help design annual Community of Practice Event. Frequency of Meetings: Monthly Approximate Hours Per year: Up to 30 Hours


Board Committee


The Certified Specialist in Predictive Analytics (CSPA) Project Committee leads the development and grading of CSPA culminating projects. The process of designing the projects and finding data sets is interesting and rewarding work that provides opportunities to earn CE and stay exposed to current data science trends. The time commitment averages 1 hour per week with some seasonality during the twice annual project administrations. Frequency of Meetings: Every Other Week. Approximate Hours Per Year: 30 Plus Hours.

ICAS Exam 3

ICAS Committee


The CSPA Predictive Modeling: Methods and Techniques - Exam Committee will assist in the periodic review of learning objectives, development of study materials, test questions, and other related projects. This committee is also responsible for grading the exams. Approximate Hours Per Year: 30 Plus Hours

International Actuarial Association Working Group

Working Group


The IAA Working Group consists of CAS delegates and observers to relevant IAA committees, forums, task forces, etc. This group represents the CAS and provides property and casualty expertise on issues, actions and discussions arising from IAA committees that may have broader interest amongst CAS members and leaders. IAAWG members work to increase engagement and awareness of the IAA across the CAS. Current priority areas include climate risk and artificial intelligence. Frequency of Meetings: Quarterly. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours.

International Professional Education Working Group

Working Group


This working group takes responsibility for assembling speakers, panels, programs, etc. for delivery in other locales outside of the United States. Volunteers are encouraged to leverage the knowledge and experience of the CAS program planning and seminar committees, while designing events in outside the United States. The number and location of those events could vary from year to year and will be identified by both the working group and CAS leadership. For a particular event, the working group works with the other organization to identify specific topics where we could assist. The working group then draws upon its members as well as a curated list of potential speakers (the International Speakers Bureau) to find the best speaker(s) for the particular event. The working group then works with the local organization to put on the session(s). Frequency of Meetings: Monthly Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 10 Hours

International Webinar Task Force

Task Force


The International Webinar task force is charged with developing webinars for CAS members outside of North America. This includes choosing topics, securing speakers, moderating the event and reviewing evaluations for programming Frequency of Meetings: Every Other Month Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 15 Hours.

Investment Council



The Investment Council is responsible for managing the CAS investment portfolio with an objective to maximize the total return within the constraints of preserving capital and maintaining sufficient liquidity to meet the CAS expenses. The Investment Council meets four times a year (at the end of each quarter) with special meetings in between if necessary. Frequency of Meetings: Quarterly. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 30 Hours

Joint CAS/SOA Committee on Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity

Working Group


This committee is responsible for identifying and executing on opportunities for profession-wide collaboration on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion activities. Recent JCIED projects include planning and hosting high school Be An Actuary events, virtually and in-person and hosting networking opportunities for members and candidates from underrepresented groups, and developing recommendations for CAS and SOA to enhance diversity in leadership. The full committee typically meets bi-monthly or quarterly for an hour and volunteers may participate in subgroups with tasks to complete between committee calls. We ask that volunteers commit to the committee for at least one year.

Latin America Regional Working Group

Working Group


The Latin America Regional Working Group facilitates the development and delivery of CAS services to members and candidates in Latin America; serves as liaison to local actuarial organizations and their members and coordinates CAS participation in their activities; promotes local programs and seminars, and serves an ambassadorial role facilitating two-way communications. The LARWG employs strategies to faclitate CAS growth in the region, particularly through strengthened relationships with students and universities. Frequency of Meetings: Every Other Month. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours.

Leadership Development Working Group

Working Group


The CAS Leadership Development Working Group (LDWG) cultivates and develops the next generation of actuarial leaders through training, support, and mentorship opportunities to help volunteers develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to be a future CAS leader. Task Forces include the Mentor Program which matches members together, Leadership Courses which distributes and develops materials, and the Future Leaders Task Force which engages and interviews potential volunteer leaders from the CAS community, building our bench strength of leaders for current and future opportunities. The LDWG shares names with the CAS Nominating Committee and volunteer groups seeking a new volunteer chairs and vice chairs. Frequency of Meetings: Every Other Month Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 10

Learning Enhancement Process Mentors Working Group

Working Group


The Learning Enhancement Process Mentors Working Group comprises volunteers who wish to be trained as mentors for speakers at our large national events. Mentors are volunteers who collaborate with speakers and lead them through the 6-8-week CAS Learning Enhancement Process, providing them with resources and helping them become more engaging and effective speakers.

Machine Learning Task Force

Task Force


The Machine Learning Task Force explores new and established machine learning methods and how they might be applied in actuarial work. Frequency of Meetings: As Needed Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 30 Hours

Malaysia Seminar Task Force

Task Force


The Malaysia Seminar Task Force is a joint venture between the CAS and Actuarial Society of Malaysia (ASM). Volunteers will work together with representatives from ASM to develop a program for a 100-200 person meeting that takes place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in December.

Member Advisory Panel Working Group

Working Group


The Member Advisory Panel Working Group (MAPWG) manages the surveys distributed to the Member Advisory Panel and some CAS membership surveys. MAPTF volunteers can expect to review surveys being developed by CAS leadership and committees. Frequency of Meetings: As Needed Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 5 Hours

Member Engagement Advisory Working Group

Working Group


The Member Engagement Advisory Working Group has a vision of fostering high quality engagement opportunities with members, from onboarding, to participation, to volunteering, through retirement. . The types of projects that the group works on includes providing input to plans for member engagement activities including focus groups, town halls, listening sessions, identifying new and enhanced member engagement opportunities, and advising on member communications including major news announcements and social media campaigns. Frequency of Meetings: Every Other Month. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 15 Hours.

New Members Working Group

Working Group


The New Members Working Group is responsible for effectively integrating new members into the CAS and ensuring new member perspectives are considered. Working Group activities include evaluating and implementing ongoing new member recognition as well as encouraging class spirit. Frequency of Meetings: Every Other Month. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours.

Nominating Committee

Board Committee


The Nominating Committee is a Board Committee established to identify and make recommendations of qualified candidates to the Board to: a. fill Vice President positions. b. fill Appointed Director positions. c. fill any vacancies of any of these positions. The Nominating Committee is also charged with: d. producing a slate of at least eight candidates for the voting membership’s ballot to elect four Directors; and e. produce a candidate for President-Elect.

Prizes and Grants Working Group

Working Group


Oversees the Hachemeister and Michelbacher Prizes Task Force and Research Grants Task Force. Work takes place beginning mid-March through early June for Prize Task Force. Grant evaluation work begins mid-January and concludes in early March. Frequency of Meetings: As Needed. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 30 Hours.

Public Relations Advisory Working Group

Working Group


The CAS Public Relations Advisory Working Group provides oversight to the CAS’s public relations and media relations efforts undertaken by CAS staff and external consultants. Duties include assisting in execution of CAS PR strategy; advising on various marketing and PR opportunities; and providing insight into current actuarial topics that may be of interest to the media. Frequency of Meetings: Every Other Month. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 15 Hours.

Ratemaking Working Group

Working Group


The Ratemaking Working Group addresses actuarial issues of property and casualty insurance ratemaking through research. Frequency of Meetings: Monthly. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours.

Reinsurance Working Group

Working Group


The Reinsurance Working Group addresses actuarial issues related to property and casualty ceded and assumed reinsurance through research. Frequency of Meetings: Monthly. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours.

Research Grants Task Force

Task Force


The Research Grants Task Force is charged with reviewing letters of intent and grant proposals submitted to the annual Individual Grants Competition to determine CAS interest in the research projects. The Task Force makes recommendations to the CAS Vice President-Research and Development as to which of the proposals the CAS may be interested in funding. Frequency of Meetings: Monthly. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 30 Hours

Reserves Working Group

Working Group


The Reserves Working Group addresses actuarial issues related to non-life liability reserves. Frequency of Meetings: Monthly

Risk Management Committee

Board Committee


The Risk Management Committee assists the CAS Board in executing all aspects of risk management. The Committee meets monthly and has several subgroups that meet outside of regular meetings to handle recurring activities. Frequency of Meetings: Monthly Approximate. Hours Per Year: Up to 30 Hours.

Risk Working Group

Working Group


The Risk Working Group is charged with proposing, supporting and promoting innovative research and practical projects that enable the evaluation of risk, as well as with connecting CAS membership with the results of our supported research and projects. Frequency of Meetings: Monthly. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours.

Specialty and In Focus Seminars Working Group

Working Group


Specialty and In Focus Seminars Working Group considers new events that address emerging topics and other specialty topics.

Student Programs Task Force

Task Force


The CAS Student Programs Task Force is responsible for overseeing the free membership program for university students, CAS Student Central. The group develops programs provided to student members including the CAS Student Central Summer Program, an annual 8-week educational program that serves as an internship alternative, and five one-day student conferences held annually. Frequency of Meetings: Monthly Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours. Seeking 1-5 Volunteers

Syllabus & Examination Working Group

Working Group


The Syllabus and Examination Working Group comprises subject matter experts from various actuarial fields whose responsibilities include developing exam materials, scoring CAS examinations and determining the standards of achievement for successful candidates. Frequency of Meetings: Quarterly Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 30 Hours

Taiwan Seminar Task Force

Task Force


The Taiwan Seminar Task Force is a joint venture between the CAS and Actuarial Institute of Chinese Taipei (AICT). Volunteers will work with representatives from AICT to develop a program for a 100 person meeting that takes place in Taipei, Taiwan in September. Frequency of Meetings: Monthly Approximate Hours Per Year: 30 Plus Hours

University Engagement Advisory Working Group

Working Group


University engagement micro-volunteers will be offered short-term activities geared towards students and academics to help build the pipeline of future CAS members including virtual and in person speaking engagements, serving as a case competition judge, volunteering at a CAS booth, and other ad-hoc activities. Approximate number of hours per year: Up to 5

University Liaison Program

Task Force


The CAS University Liaison (UL) Program matches CAS members with specific universities worldwide to help expose academics and students to the CAS and the P&C actuarial career path. University liaison activities are flexible and may be modified to align with each volunteers’ availability; activities may include participating in campus events or speaking engagements, advising faculty and partnering with actuarial student club leaders as examples. Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 10 Hours.

Variance Editorial Board

Working Group


The Variance Editorial Board is the governing body of the peer-reviewed journal Variance, published by the Casualty Actuarial Society. The Editorial Board is made up of the Editor in Chief, Co-Editor and Associate Editors. The Editorial Board conducts the peer-review process and adopts policy for soliciting submissions. Variance publishes original practical and theoretical research in casualty actuarial science. Frequency of Meetings: As Needed Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 30 Hours. Seeking 6-10 Volunteers

Volunteer Resources Working Group

Working Group


The Volunteer Resources Working Group (VRWG) is responsible for evaluating, advising upon and improving the CAS volunteer experience through the development of new resources, processes and communications. The VRWG also selects the winners of CAS’s volunteer awards each summer. Frequency of Meetings: Monthly Approximate Hours Per Year: Up to 20 Hours.